We celebrate the first activity of Personalized Food & Nutrition AI diet Subcommittee at Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
한국식품영양과학회 개인맞춤영양분과의 첫 활동을 축하합니다.
2021년도 한국식품영양과학회 국제심포지엄 및 정기학술대회 -주제: Tailored to Fit: Food & Nutrition in New Era (새로운 시대의 식품과 영양에 맞춤을 입히다) -일시: 2021년 10월 27일(수)~29일(금) -장소: 부산 벡스코
Session 1 (15:30 – 17:30) Organized by 개인맞춤영양분과위원회 / Sponsored by 아모레퍼시픽 Real World AI Diet, Present and Future : This session is aimed to learn the big data and AI-driven personalized food-nutrition research and industry that is being implemented in real world and to provide practical directions and guidelines for future.
Chairperson: Jin-Taek Hwang (Korea Food Res. Inst.) 15:30~16:00 Real world AI diet, present and future Jiyoung Kim (Seoul Natl Univ) & Byeong-chul Kang (D.iF) 16:00~16:30 The MFDS big database and regulatory science for real world AI diet Soohyun Kim (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety)
Chairperson: Hyung-Jin Yoon (Seoul Natl Univ) 16:30~17:00 Personalized nutrition based on clinical & genome data Kyongchol Kim (Major Clinic & EDGC Data Convergence Center) 17:00~17:30 Amazon healthcare data transformation Min Sung Cho (Amazon Web Service WWPS Korea Healthcare)
Real world AI diet, present and future
Jiyoung Kim (Seoul Natl Univ) & Byeong-chul Kang (D.iF)
The MFDS big database and regulatory science for real world AI diet
Soohyun Kim (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety)
Personalized nutrition based on clinical & genome data
Kyongchol Kim (Major Clinic & EDGC Data Convergence Center)
Amazon healthcare data transformation
Min Sung Cho (Amazon Web Service WWPS Korea Healthcare)